Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Supporter Snaps #5: The Youngest Goldfish

The Youngest Goldfish: Abigail and Isabelle
As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm asking all the members of Team Goldfish to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers so my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception! 

But, let's be honest, cute kids take Team Goldfish support to a whole new level!  Today's supporter snaps feature my loveable little cousins Abigail and Isabelle!  Abigail's sporting her stickers on a bee costume (I think she somehow knew that gold and black are Team Goldfish colors) and Isabelle's accessorized her stickers with her best silly smile!  Thanks girlies!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

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