Saturday, September 21, 2013

We're on the road to Pasadena (Maryland) for Swim Across America!

We're?  Yes we're!  Because Team Goldfish has a support team for this Sunday's Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim!  You may recognize her, you may know her, you may even be married to her! (I know my readership.) Yup it's my awesome mom, Joan!
The best support team a girl could ask for!  My mom sporting her Team Goldfish swimcap.
My mom will be in town for ~32 hours. Because she's awesome!  I'm going to pick her up and we'll head out to Annapolis for the night, since it's closer to the race.  Then it'll be an early start on Sunday--since registration is open from 6-7, and there will be a half hour drive to get to Red House Cove--looking like a 5 am start.  Some visit!

As of Thursday, the water temperature was 76, so I'm debating doing the swim sans wetsuit.  Likely going to decide on Sunday morning.  But, the weather forecast is looking like rain, light wind and 73 degrees for the high.  So send your good energies toward Pasadena, MD for clear weather on Sunday (though overcast wouldn't be so bad--it makes it easier to site) so my mom doesn't have to get as wet as I do!

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