Wednesday, August 28, 2013

From the Team Goldfish Gear Bag: Bag Balm

One of the unfortunate things I struggle with in my swimming is chaffing, particularly under my arms and around my neck.  Seriously, I spend a lot of time looking like I was attacked by a vampire or a very lusty and incompetent make out partner.

I've tried a bunch of products to help prevent and soothe chafing--from good ol' Vaseline to Body Glide--but nothing really worked for me.  That is until I learned about Bag Balm.  The mix of lanolin and petroleum gives this balm the texture of an extra thick petroleum jelly.  After reading about it on an open water forum I ordered a tin (yes it comes in retro-y tins).  I was happy to discover that it doesn't have a smell.  It's soothing when your skin is chaffed, and works wonders in protecting it from new chaffing by staying on during swims. 

And it's got a great history.  Bag Balm was originally developed in 1899 in Vermont by dairy farmers to help sooth the chapped udders of cows during the cold winters. If it's good enough for a cow, it's good enough for a goldfish!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Supporter Snaps #6: Team Goldfish West!

Team Goldfish West: Charlene, Marta and Anneka!
I'm asking all the members of Team Goldfish to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers so my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception!

Today's edition of Supporters Snaps features some of the members of Team Goldfish West.  On the left, opting to be mysterious and sport a very fancy fish face, is Charlene.  Char is one of my mom's closest friends and she's like another aunt to me.  On the right is my friend, Seattle host, and Park to Park swim buddy, Marta.  She is training to be a therapist and had a colleague snap her photo sporting her swim cap while sitting in the chair she administers therapy in.  In the lower right corner is her dog Anneka, who looks just as happy as fellow canine Team Goldfish member Frankie, to be sporting her swim cap.  Ha!  Thanks for your creativity ladies!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next? Come back next Tuesday to see!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Morning Video: Swimming Apes!

Last week National Geographic posted a story about the first recorded example of apes swimming.  As a lover of both anthropology and swimming, I thought I'd make this footage of an orangutan named Suryia and a chimpanzee named Cooper our Monday Morning Video (I couldn't embed the Nat Geo video, but found the above on the Guardian UK site).

Also check out the website of the scientists who created the video--Nicole and Renato Bender--who are interested in "primates' interaction with water," which they believe has been understudied in human evolutionary circles.

Looking forward to learning more about hominids' evolutionary history with swimming as their research continues!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Park to Park Swim-Cap

Marta and Alison swim Lake Washington in Seattle!
 On this day in 1875, Captain Matthew Webb swam from Dover to Calais in 22 hours and became the first man to swim the English Channel.
Today, Team Goldfish member Marta and I set out to do a much more measured swim--the 1.42 mile swim across Lake Washington--at the Park to Park swim in Seattle. 

Following a full day of plane travel and a rough night of sleep (when you've trained yourself to get up at 6 am or before, the three hour time difference between the east and west coasts can wreak some havoc on your sleep routine), I picked Marta up at her apartment and we headed out to Matthews Beach at Lake Washington.

We lucked out with an absolutely perfect day--the sun was shining, and while the air was cool, the water temperature was really mild.  And Lake Washington is gorgeous!  But, I was sort of running around like a chicken with my head cut off, mainly due to the really long bathroom line.  No time for dynamic warm ups, or the shoulder and thoracic spine opening stretches I'd hoped to do.  Lots of rushing to get ready in time for the start of our wave. 

The route of the Park to Park Open Water Swim

The Park to Park Swim sold out this year, but it's not a race.  It's a fundraiser for Seattle Children's hospital.  As such, they don't time it for you, and you didn't need to provide a seed time, just the time range you expected it would take you to finish the swim.  Both Marta and I, along with about 100 other swimmers, had checked the box next to 30-50 minutes.  So we were the penultimate wave (the slowest swimmers went first), and far and away the biggest. 

I've learned that you have good days, and rough days in the water.  That's true when you're me or Missy Franklin. There are days that I swim fast and it hurts, and days I swim slow and feels good and vice versa.  I think the combination of the plane travel, rough night's sleep, rushed feeling, and wearing my wetsuit for the first time since May, and the fact that there was nothing to site to (no buoys, just the other shore) made it one of those rough days.

If I reflect on the race, there is a lot I could have done better. I got swept up in the start, and overswam--too fast, not finding my rhythm, breathing every stroke cycle.  And it took me nearly a mile to calm myself down.  In the middle of the lake, the chop picked up and while my stroke allowed me to cut through it, I honestly didn't have a lot of fun doing it.  (In contrast, I had a really fun 1.5 mile swim on Thursday night at National Harbor.  I was tired after a morning lift, and a full work day, but enjoyed the process,  was feeling the water well, and held my form and moved fast).   By the last half mile, I did manage to find my form, but my wetsuit lifts my butt and legs and I need to work on correcting the arch it creates in my back.

Marta debriefed our experiences at the beach of O.O. Denny (the photos above are from the end of the race--both of us wore our Team Goldfish caps under our swim-sanctioned caps), and she had a similar experience.

And for all that critique, we both still managed to finish in between 44 and 45 minutes, she a bit ahead of me.  Right what we were aiming for. 

It was a rough swim, it was less fun than I had hoped, yet I powered through and I think it will help me be mentally tougher and better prepared for the big swim on September 22.

Me and Marta post swim

A special shout out to Marta who has been a great friend, training buddy and supporter of me and Team Goldfish.  She was one of the people who said "you should totally sign up for that 3 mile swim" way back in the spring!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gone Swimming! Seattle Park to Park Swim

Today, I'm flying out to "the other Washington" for a week of vacation.  I'll be spending a majority of my time hiking and camping on the Olympic Peninsula.
Some of my favorite spots on the Olympic Peninsula: Ozette, Kalaloch and the Ho Rain Forest.

But, before I commune with nature, I'll be spending some quality time with my friend and swim buddy, and former neighbor, Marta.  In fact, Marta will be joining me in my penultimate open water swim of the season-the 1.42 mile Park to Park swim across Lake Washington in Seattle!  This event will benefit the Patient Emergency Assistance Fund at Seattle Children's Hospital.
Emergency Patient Assistance Fund at

I'm excited about a lot of things relating to this event.  First, I'm psyched to swim with Marta.  Second, I've never done a point-to-point swim (as the logo says--no turns) so this will be a new adventure.  And third, this will be only the second time I'll be swimming in a wet suit.  I haven't worn one since my first open water swim back over Memorial Day weekend when I logged a mile in a very respectable 33:14.  So I'm excited to see how fast I can go, given the additional experience in open water, all the hard training I've been doing this summer, and with the benefit of my wetsuit's buoyancy.

For now, I've gone swimming!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Goldfish Net: Interesting Swim Stuff from Around the Interweb

The more I've been swimming and blogging about swimming, the more I've discovered that there are so many great resources on the topic.  Occasionally I'll round up some interesting swim stuff from around the interweb using The Goldfish Net.

Lone Swimmer: Addressing my own stroke deficiencies
Great post about getting back to technique basics, featuring video drills from a resource new to me, Grimseys Adult Swim.

Swimming Science: Friday Interview with Kevin O'Connell Ph.D. Candidate on Genes and Cramping
This one is pretty technical, but if you're like me and you get cramps (I can get brutal charley horses in my calves), you've probably been told that it's a result of dehydration.  O'Connell's research indicates a genetic source of cramping (which may be why my dad suffers from calf cramps, too.) Interesting exploration of the science, and then some practical tips about preventing and dealing with cramps.

USA Triathalon: Plan Your Open Water Swim Training
Something so obvious, that I hadn't thought about, "Just as you need to have a solid plan for your workouts in the pool (warm up, drills, main sets, cool down) you need to have a plan for your open water swims as well."

Swim Across America launched a Blog! 
Only one post up yet, but they promise more to come!

Finding at 50: NYC Swim Statue of Liberty Swim...cap
Louise Darlington does an epic recap (with great photos) of her experience doing NYC Swim's Statue of Liberty swim.  It's definitely making me want to do it next year!  And she posted part 2 with insight into her training and tips.

"The hourlong class, held on a steamy summer evening, was a step toward addressing one of New York’s more persistent and surprising disparities: many of the poor and working-class residents who live along some of the most popular beaches in the city cannot swim." 

Something fun to end on! The Guardian recreated Michael Phelps' 16th Gold Medal (1 year ago) in Legos.  SwimSwam also has the comparison to the real footage!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

It's my first anniversary with swimming!  To honor the occasion, I've been reflecting on all the progress that I have made over the last year, and I realized that I had inadvertently captured a lot of it on Twitter.  So here are some highlights from my first year as a swimmer!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Supporter Snaps #5: The Youngest Goldfish

The Youngest Goldfish: Abigail and Isabelle
As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm asking all the members of Team Goldfish to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers so my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception! 

But, let's be honest, cute kids take Team Goldfish support to a whole new level!  Today's supporter snaps feature my loveable little cousins Abigail and Isabelle!  Abigail's sporting her stickers on a bee costume (I think she somehow knew that gold and black are Team Goldfish colors) and Isabelle's accessorized her stickers with her best silly smile!  Thanks girlies!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Video: Swimming in a Dream

Today's Monday Morning Video comes to us from my now-former neighbor, future PhD and Team Goldfish member Kate and her boyfriend Andrew.  At their going away festivities on Friday night, Andrew mentioned that his uncle had made a short film about swimming and they shared the link with me.  And it turned out to be really great.  So, today's Monday Morning Video is Jim Sugar's "Swimming in a Dream."

Swimming in a Dream from Jim Sugar on Vimeo.

You can check out more of Jim's video and photography work on his website.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Team Goldfish Sunday Fundraising Update: Win a Team Goldfish T-shirt!

Modeling the official Team Goldfish t-shirt!
Thank you to all the amazing members of Team Goldfish!  As of today, you've helped me raise over $3200 for cancer research at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins thru Swim Across America.

We're in the home stretch!  Only 35 days left until I  swim 3 miles at the Baltimore Open Water Swim.

Since all the Team Goldfish swimcaps have been claimed, there's a new incentive for anyone who donates $25 or more.  You'll be entered in a drawing for an official Team Goldfish t-shirt!

How do you donate?  Just visit my Swim Across America fundraising page!

Already donated $25 or more to Team Goldfish?  You've already been entered into a raffle for one of the official t-shirts.  But if you have a great desire to donate more, don't let me stop you!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

To Swim, Perchance to Dream: Piscine Josephine Baker

La Piscine Josephine Baker with the roof down.

Some people have a dream car, or a dream house.  But the more I get into swimming, the more I have dream pools.  Places I'd like to swim, or wish I could swim every day. 

Earlier this year, I had a day to kill in Paris in route to Fes, Morocco. I had planned to go for a swim (even used the great website Swimmers Guide to find a pool), but between the snow and cold, my jet lag, and some nasal congestion, I abandoned the plan for fear I'd drown!

However, if I ever find myself with some time to kill in Paris again, I vow to get that swim in.  Because now I know about La Piscine Josephine Baker.

Floating on the Seine River, it is a glass-walled modular barge with--get this--a retractable roof that can open when the weather's nice and close to protect from inclement weather.  It's located just below the Bastille, and from what I understand, i takes water from the river, treats it and eventually recycles it back into the river. (Sounds a bit like the NYC project +Pool).

La Piscine Josephine Baker with the roof up!

Have a suggestion for a future post of "To Swim, Perchance to Dream?"  Email me or tweet me with the hashtag #dreampool.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

7 Great Quotes from Swim: Why We Love the Water

In addition to being a swimmer, I consider myself a committed bibliophile.  And it's a dead giveaway when I'm really enjoying a book, because I will often miss my stop on the bus or the train.  In the case of Lynn Sherr's Swim: Why Love the Water, I actually rode the bus two extra stops before realizing I had overshot my office during my morning commute!

Sherr, best known for her 30 year career as a newswoman at ABC, is also a committed swimmer, and Swim: Why We Love the Water interweaves her personal story of preparing for and swimming the Hellespont, the history of swimming, and insights into the science, training, and advocacy going on in swimming today.

Swimming the Hellespont features significantly in Sherr's book.

As I read Sherr's book, I actually felt a bit like she might be the (unbeknownst to both of us) godmother of this blog!

There were two things I enjoyed most about Sherr's book.  The first was her excellent research and storytelling about the history of swimming which went from Greek mythology until the modern day. The second was her uncanny ability to capture others' and share her own meditations on swimming. Here are seven of my favorites:
1. On swimming as a form of salvation...
Swimming is my salvation. Ask me in the middle of winter, or at the end of a grueling day, or after a long stretch at the computer, where I'd most like to be, and the answer is always the same: in the water, gliding weightless, slicing a silent trail through whatever patch of blue I can find.
2. On swimming as an inward journey...
Swimming stretches my body beyond its earthly limits, helping to soothe every ache and caress every muscle. But it's also an inward journey, a time of quiet contemplation, when, encased in an element at once hostile and familiar, I find myself at peace, able -- and eager -- to flex my mind, imagine new possibilities, to work things out without the startling interruptions of human voice or modern life.  The silence is stunning.  
3. On how swimming creates focus, order...
The lane line keeps us centered in more ways than one.  The rhythm of our strokes brings order to our senses.
4. On swimmers...
Swimmers are hale, not disease-proof, hardy, not ageless. 
5. On swimming and self-sufficiency...
Swimming is the ultimate on-your-own activity.  Everyone else gets stuff to make it easier: skis, bats, wheels, sticks, gloves, racquets, slick shoes.  Even teammates to help reach the goal. Not us.  An equipment malfunction in swimming means some part of your body has broken down.
6. The definition of swimming...
"The definition of swimming," according to one nineteenth century instructor, is "to keep yourself afloat and make progress."
7. On swimming and sensory deprivation...
"When you swim, you're taking away one of your senses, your hearing," he says. "So it leaves you the peace of your mind, the cadence of your swim."
Have you read Swim: Why We Love the Water or another book on swimming?  I'd love to hear your reviews and recommendations of swimming-related books!   Email me or tweet me with the hashtag #swimbooks.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Team Goldfish Supporter Snaps #4

As of Monday morning, I had gotten thank you notes in the mail to everyone who has supported me and cancer research through the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim. All of the "official" Team Goldfish swimcaps have been claimed, but there are more fun little incentives in the works.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm asking all team members to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception!

Today's supporter snaps features two people I met when I worked at the Greater Washington Board of Trade.  On the left is my old boss, and current friendtor (friend + mentor) Caroline who is giving us all a virtual high five while sporting a chic black sheath dress.  And on the right is my friend Roxanne--a triathlete and all-around wonderful person--who's already getting me pumped to swim, swim, swim!  Thanks for the support and the good humor ladies!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Video: Touch the Wall Trailer

Earlier this year, I backed a Kickstarter campaign for Touch the Wall, "A feature documentary that follows swimming phenom Missy Franklin and teammate Kara Lynn Joyce as they prepare for the London Olympics."

The documentary is being released this fall, on the heals of her record setting 6 gold medals at the FINA World Championships, and as Franklin heads to college at Cal. Now there's a trailer for the doc, which is this week's Monday Morning Video.

Learn more about the film.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Team Goldfish Sunday Fundraising Update: Greater, Faster, Farther!

It's been a week of big milestones for Team Goldfish-in the water and outside of it.  I'm excited to share them with you!

Greater!  In the July 21 Team Goldfish Sunday Fundraising Update I announced that I was unofficially trying to double on my fundraising goal for the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim.  As you may remember, my initial goal was $1500, which Team Goldfish supporters helped me raise really quickly.  And with 43 days to go, we've already broken the $3000 goal and regained the fundraising lead for my category at the swim!  Thank you to the amazing members of Team Goldfish who made this possible!

If you haven't yet donated, don't worry, you can still support me and the important cancer research happening at Johns Hopkins Medical.  Unfortunately, I'm out of Team Goldfish swimcaps, but I do still have stickers for anyone who contributes!

Faster! Every month, I try and assess my progress by timing myself doing a 1000 or 1650 yard set.  Over the last couple of months, my times in the 1000 have plateaued as my focus had turned to building endurance and improving my form. 

But, as you well know from this blog, over the last month I've been training hard (between the pool, yoga, strength training and open water practice), and I finally feel like my mind and my body have internalized all the changes to my form that I've been working on all summer. 

On Saturday, I got up early, and committed to doing some significant swim: 4000 yards.  The bulk of this would be my main set where I set out to do 3x1000 with 2 minutes rest in between sets.  My hope was that I'd break my previous personal best 19:08 in the first set.  And I did.  Actually I smashed it, dropping 52 seconds off my personal best in the first set (18:16!) and swimming the other two 1000s in 18:30 and 18:38 respectively.  Saturday's swim was great validation of the work I've been putting in, and is keeping me motivated for September 22!

Farther! This week, I achieved the first major goal I set when I took up swimming last summer. After nearly 11 months, I completed my virtual swim from Sri Lanka to India.  Read all about it here!
My route from Sri Lanka to India!
Again, thank you to all the members of Team Goldfish for your support--both monetary and emotional.  This continues to be an amazing and exciting challenge, and I'm really honored to share it with all of you!

Friday, August 9, 2013

I swam from Sri Lanka to India!

On September 13, 2012, I set a goal.  Using the Speedo Pace Club app, I mapped a route that I would swim virtually between two of my favorite countries: from Negombo, Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu, India.  169.3 miles. A long way.  A big commitment.

The route I set on September 13, 2012

Over the last 329 days, I've chipped away at that goal.  I've gone swimming 143 times.  In Washington, DC, in Glenview, IL, in Scottsdale, AZ.  I've swum in open water in Virginia and Maryland.  I've swum in fancy pools and free public pools.

I've worn out 4 swimsuits (and dropped 2 suit sizes).  I've eaten ~300 bananas to prevent cramping, and still managed to cramp up at least 10 times.  I acquired 10 swim caps, and 3 pairs of goggles.  I've dropped minutes of my personal best in the 1650 free (the swimmers mile), relearned my flip turns, gotten my breast and backstrokes in working order, and avoided the fly like the plague. 

During the last 7896 hours, I've spent 115 of the them swimming.  I've swum a lot.

And tonight, at Open Water Happy Hour, I jumped into the flat waters of National Harbor on the Potomac with real purpose.  I logged a 1.5 mile swim (and it was a fast one for me--47 minutes) and when I climbed up the ladder to the pier, I reveled in the fact that I had finally arrived on the shores of India. 

10 months and 26 days later, I've finished the swim from Sri Lanka to India!
I have other milestones--200 miles for 2013 via U.S. Masters Go the Distance Challenge, of course the 3 mile Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water swim.  But this milestone was my biggest, it was the first enormous, crazy goal I set in my swim life.

Honestly, I feel a bit like Inigo Montoya after he's killed the six finger man in The Princess Bride.

But, for now, I'm just going to enjoy how far I've come. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Cadence of Your Swim: Music and Motivation

There are many sports where you can easily listen to music while you train, but swimming isn't one of them.  Sure, you can buy yourself a waterproof MP3 player, but as swim coach Robby Lambert said in Lynn Sherr's excellent book, Swim: Why We Love the Water, "When you swim, you're taking away one of your senses, your hearing...So it leaves you the peace of your mind, the cadence of your swim."

That being said, music is a huge motivator before I swim.  I have a playlist of psych up music called swimming songs on my iphone. (I also have a playlist called yoga warm-up which is much mellower for before sunrise yoga at 6:30 am, and walking songs which is mainly cheery songs of moderate pace for my walks to and from work).

My musical preferences tend toward the indie, garage, alt-country and post-punk genres.  So if you don't like noise, these probably won't be for you. But for those who do, I figured I'd share three songs that help me get pumped up to swim.

(We Are) Augustines-Chapel Song
This track has such a great driving beat, and it is the perfect pace to have in my head when I'm heading out into open waterIt's from the band's first album, Rise Ye Sunken Ships--so maybe the connection to the open water was intentional.

The Features--Blow it Out 
I've found that this is a great song to listen to pre-swim on the mornings where it's tough to get out of bed, or it's cold outside.  It's just so darn infectious.  Because "if you're happy and you know it/turn the volume up/and blow it out!"

This is the newest of the tracks in my psych-up rotation, because I just discovered Weekend's record, Jinx last month.  But it's been in constant rotation since I downloaded it. This song has a great driving beat, and a mix of edgy noise and harmonics that  I'm a sucker for, and the refrain "I feel sick, sick, sick, sick/In my heeaaarrrrtt" is another good one for pacing.

Do you have favorite psych up music for your workouts? Email me or tweet me with the hashtag #swimsongs.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Team Goldfish Supporter Snaps #3: Team Leatherman

Team Leatherman: Meghan, Chad and Frankie (who is definitely plotting doggie revenge on Team Goldfish for this pic)

I've been furiously writing thank you notes and stuffing envelopes with Team Goldfish swimcaps for all the great folks who are supporting me and cancer research through the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim.

Thanks to my first 50 contributors who have helped me raise over $3000 for the The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center (SKCCC) at Johns Hopkins. And we hit another milestone, because as of August 5 all the Team Goldfish swim caps have been claimed. 

As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm asking all team members to snap photos of themselves sporting their caps so I can have my team with me on race day, September 22. 

After the gents featured in the first Supporters Snaps post set a high bar, and my lady neighbors upped it, my parents raised it yet again--I'm eager to see who will top my father sporting his in a tuxedo.

Today's post features the awesome Team Leatherman (I stole the Team concept from them and their wedding invites)--newlyweds and excellent people Meghan, Chad and Frankie all modeling their team caps.  Frankie might win the award for least thrilled, but who can blame him-he's a dog! 

Meghan also wrote a really lovely piece about me and Team Goldfish on their blog.  I'm truly touched by what she wrote.  And yet again, it reminds me how lucky I am to have such amazing friends in my swimming and non-swimming life.

Totally awesome!  What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Training Update: Harborfest Swim

Another Sunday, another early start.  This time for the Harborfest Swim--where I opted for the 1.2 mile course--at the Potomac River's National Harbor.

I was joined for this swim by my new swim friend and Team Goldfish supporter Christina who opted to swim the big one--the 2.4 mile course.  I met Christina at the Wave One Happy Hour Swims, and in addition to being a lovely person, she shares in my belief that tri-atheletes are nuts.  Here we are pre-race on the pier. 

As an aside, my shirt was created by the world's foremost unknown swim vloggers Eve and Candace in honor of Olympian and all-around awesome dude Anthony Ervin.  You can buy it--and see him modeling it--here. 

Okay, back to Harborfest.  After an afternoon and evening of rain, the sun was showing, the temperature and humidity were low, and the water was a perfect 78 degrees!  The only imperfect condition  was the wind which was whipping up a bit of chop on the water, leading the event coordinators to adjust the course from 1000 meters, to 500 meters, and requiring all swimmers to do more laps.

The 750 m swimmers on the Harborfest course

My goal for the 1.2 mile swim, since it was sans wetsuit, and there was some chop on the water, was to finish in around 45 minutes.  And I did.  My official time was: 46:41, finishing 28th of 57 swimmers--right in the middle of the pack.  My first two laps were pretty strong, and I clocked them in about 21 minutes, but I was slow on third--it took me about 14 minutes, however it also motivated me to do the last one in less than 12. 

All in all, it was a fun morning.  Proving yet again that every day is made better by a swim!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Morning Video: Katie Ledecky Breaks Another World Record!

Earlier in the week, I shared the truly awesome footage of 16 year old Marylander Katie Ledecky breaking the world record in the 1500 free at the FINA World Championships.

Worlds wrapped up on Sunday, but not before Ledecky broke another record in the 800 free.  With that, she has won every Olympic and World Championships event she's competed in--the gold in the 800 m free in London, and gold in the 4x200 free relay, 400 free, 800 free, and 1500 free in Barcelona.  Truly amazing.  So, let's take a look at her world record in her signature event, the 800!

Also, she is such a class act in how she interacts with her predecessors and competitors.

And with her toughest competitor in the 800 and 1500:

And as is often the case, Mike Gustafson sums it up perfectly.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Team Goldfish Sunday Fundraising Upate: $254 and 49 days to go!

The title says it all!  If you'd like to support me and cancer research thru the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim, you can do it here!  My next two contributors will get the last Team Goldfish swim caps.

I swam the Harborfest swim this morning, so I'm a bit beat. I'm going to keep today's update brief and just share a favorite swim quote with you.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

New Goggles and the Harborfest Swim!

Sporting my new Tyr Limited Edition Crazy Special Ops Goggles and Team Goldfish Swimcap
As I mentioned last week, I've added a fifth open water event to my summer schedule, the Harborfest Swim which is tomorrow morning.  I'll be doing the 1.2 mile course and proceeds from the event benefit the Surfrider Foundation and the Special Olympics.

Looking forward to the event and trying out my new Tyr Limited Edition Crazy Special Ops Goggles!  Up until now, I've been wearing my Speedo Vanquishers during the open water swims.  But, they are pool goggles, and I've had a lot of trouble siting with them. 

Then, the March/April edition of the U.S. Masters Swimming magazine, Swimmer arrived full of open water goggle reviews!  After reading the reviews, and weighing aesthetics and cost, I found that the Tyr's were on sale at Swim Outlet.  So, I took the plunge!

A full report on how the goggles and I do at the Harborfest Swim coming soon!

Friday, August 2, 2013

5 Great Post-Swim Snacks!

You burn a lot of calories while swimming.  And that's great--it's helped me lose weight.  But, I've also learned that it's really important to eat post-swim to ensure that I'm being kind to my body, that I have plenty of energy and that I'm building up my muscles, not tearing them down.  Over the last year, I've developed a cadre of easy snacks to eat after workouts, so I thought I'd share with you.

1. Banana and an Iced Coffee/Soy Latte--When I swim before work, this is my go to snack.  I suffer from charley horses, and have found that bananas are a key to preventing them.  From what I understand it's the potassium and magnesium in bananas that is key, as is hydration and stretching.  In the hot summer months of DC, I opt for an iced coffee with lots of skim milk.  When the weather cools down, my favorite post-workout drink is a soy latte.

My hunch is that most of the readers of the Team Goldfish blog did not watch Ryan Lochte's reality show.  However, if you're looking for a guilty pleasure, I recommend it.  Proof, here's a hilarious 30 second clip involving a banana (it's not crude in the least).

2. Almond Butter Delight with Crackers and Apples
Lots of people love nuts, and I do too.  But peanut butter and almond butter are sometimes a bit too much for me.  When I was visiting Canyon Ranch, I discovered almond butter delight and loved it.  It's a mix of almond butter, fat free ricotta, vanilla, honey and cinnamon and the recipe's online here.  I pair it with savory crackers (like the ones that Trader Joe's makes) and an apple.

3. Chocolate Milk
I've read that lowfat chocolate milk has the right balance between fat, protein, calories to help with recovery after workouts.  And the same week I'm posting this, the great blog Swim Science posted an analysis of the scientific literature on Chocolate Milk for Recovery concluding "Overall, the evidence shows that chocolate milk is at least comparable, if not superior to high-carbohydrate recovery options."

Chocolate milk isn't an every day snack for me.  But I've found that on days where I'm doing heavy yardage workouts, it's a great and quick thing to bring with me to the pool.  I buy the Horizon Organic shelf stable single serving low fat chocolate milk, and just throw one into my swim bag on my way to the pool.  Also they have great ads featuring some of my favorite swimmers: Ricky Berens, Chloe Sutton and Nathan Adrian.

4. Babybel Cheese and Berries
Who doesn't love cheese covered in wax?  For some reason it is so much more satisfying to eat.  I snack on these with a side of berries (raspberries or strawberries are my favorites) or grapes, and it feels downright elegant!

5. Assorted Veggies and Healthy Dips
I tend to favor fruit as a snack, but I recently was chatting with a nutritionist and she said that after 2 pm, since fruit is high in sugar, I'd be better off switching to veggies and dip.  So I've been experimenting with different combos of carrots, cucumbers, peppers, celery with hummus, eggplant and red pepper dip, and tatziki.  My favorite dips come from a local store called Cava.  They have a grill near my house, but Whole Foods and Giant both stock their dips in the DC area.   

Do you have other favorite post-swim snacks?  Email me or tweet me with the hashtag #swimsnacks.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Team Goldfish Tweets of the Week: FINA World Championships Edition!

I LOVE watching elite level swimming.  So, if you've been missing the FINA World Championships (which includes pool and open water swimming, diving, synchro and water polo), I highly recommend you check it out.  Thus far there have been some amazing swims! It's amazing, inspirational, and humbling to know that the world's best swimmers can cover distances 2-4 times faster than I can.

Seriously, the DC area's own Katie Ledecky just broke the world record in the 1500 meters in 15:36.53.  My personal best in the same distance is more than double that at 32:01.  This swim is so amazing, you really need to watch the condensed version of it!

So in honor of World Championships, we have a theme for "tweets of the week."

My homegirls Eve and Candace hit the nail on the head:

Jimmy Feigen was the anchor in the 4x100 men's relay where France pulled the upset and out-touched the USA by .24 seconds.  Liked how he addressed disappointment and turned it into motivation in less than 140 characters!

Wisdom from Salvador Dali via Team USA member Jessica Hardy:

I wish this was possible!