Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Team Goldfish Supporter Snaps #4

As of Monday morning, I had gotten thank you notes in the mail to everyone who has supported me and cancer research through the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim. All of the "official" Team Goldfish swimcaps have been claimed, but there are more fun little incentives in the works.

As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm asking all team members to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception!

Today's supporter snaps features two people I met when I worked at the Greater Washington Board of Trade.  On the left is my old boss, and current friendtor (friend + mentor) Caroline who is giving us all a virtual high five while sporting a chic black sheath dress.  And on the right is my friend Roxanne--a triathlete and all-around wonderful person--who's already getting me pumped to swim, swim, swim!  Thanks for the support and the good humor ladies!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

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