Friday, July 12, 2013

Great Idea or Greatest Idea? Happy Hour Swim

At the end of June, I wrote about my first training experience with Wave One Swimming at their open water clinic at Sandy Point State Park. 

Wave One also organizes happy hour swims every Thursday throughout the summer off the North Pier at National Harbor in Washington, Maryland. They even hang out and have food and beverages after the swim!

I was really excited to learn about this.  But, as is often the case--as a city-dweller who doesn't own a car--one of the tough things is to figure out how to get to the open water!  Fortunately, a generous fellow swimmer, Joe put out the call on the website, and both me and another carless, city-dweller, Cristina got a lift to the Harbour, and in a red convertible no less!

I usually train in the mornings, so I find that I'm a bit slower in the evening after a long day of work (or in this case, jury duty).  But, Wave One set up a nice 400 m course, and I got in about 5 laps in flat, 84 degree water before it got too dark.  I'll definitely be returning to the Happy Hour Swim in the future!

Getting ready for the Happy Hour Swim at National Harbour!
And today's swim marked an important milestone--I surpassed 100 miles swum for the year!  My goal for 2013 is 200 miles, which I track through the US Masters Swimming Go the Distance Challenge.  Here's to the next 100!

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