Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Exhausted Goldfish! What's next?

This photo of Vince says it all--exhausted Goldfish!
Team Goldfish rest and recovery tip #1: don't take a five hour plane ride the day after your first 5k swim!  But, alas, work demanded it, so I did it and it hurt like hell.  The good part is that I was smart enough to book a massage for when I arrived in San Diego.  It helped immensely, but boy am I sore and tired!

Which is why this supporter snap, which arrived yesterday from my lovely neighbors Vince and Rebekah cracked me up.  It encapsulates everything I felt Sunday afternoon and all day Monday--exhausted goldfish!

Thanks so much friends for keeping the Team Goldfish fun going! 

I'm likely going to take a couple of days off from the Team Goldfish blog and try and figure out what next!  Both in terms of my swimming goals, and in how this blog can morph now that it's not about gearing up for the Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim.  But, it's going to continue--it's so much fun to write, and "research" and connect with others in the swim community (and outstide of it) to create the content.

But for now this exhausted goldfish is going to take a little bit of time to recover...I'll be back soon to tell you what's next!

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