Saturday, September 7, 2013

Supporters Snaps #8: Team Goldfish Midwest!

I'm asking all the members of Team Goldfish to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers so my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception!

Today's edition of Supporters Snaps features some of the members of Team Goldfish Midwest!  I grew up outside of Chicago and these supporters have known me since I was quite little (or in the case of one--since I was born). 

On the left and in the center you'll find Barbara (sporting the oh so cool shades) and Dr. Bob who seems to have foregone putting the cap on, and instead just has placed it on his head!  I grew up with their daughter, they remain good friends of my parents, and they are generous donors to Team Goldfish.  

On the right is my Aunt Mackey!  You might notice a family resemblance between her and one of The Original Goldfish.  She and my Uncle Larry (along with all my first cousins) are members of Team Goldfish and she's sporting her cap with a lovely shade of red!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next? The photos have really been rolling in, so come back to the blog soon and see!

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