Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Team Goldfish Pennsylvania!

Steve, Sally, Brownie & Zoey, and Reni are all members of Team Goldfish Pennsylvania!

I'm asking all the members of Team Goldfish to snap photos of themselves sporting their "official" team swim caps or stickers so my team will be with me on race day, September 22. 

As past editions of Supporters Snaps attest, the members of Team Goldfish are a creative and fun bunch, and this week's edition is no exception!

Today's edition of Supporters Snaps features Team Goldfish Pennsylvania!

On the left you'll find my former boss Steve.  By the looks of it, he's sporting his cap in the office!  Next to him is my friend and nutrition expert extraordinaire, Sally giving the thumbs up for Team Goldfish! Beside her is my former neighbor, good friend and equestrian Zoey holding her friend's dog named Brownie.  Zoey reports they liked this photo because Brownie's eyes match Team Goldfish colors.  And last, but not least, is Reni who can now proudly sport her Team Goldfish cap to swim practice!  Just keep swimming Reni!

What will Team Goldfish members think up next?

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