Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Taper Time!

What's taper you ask?

Well according to the American Swimming Coaches Association:

A taper is "the reduction of workload during a period immediately prior to a major competition." There is no one way to do a taper, nor a magic formula. One of the most important things that a swimmer must do during a taper, any taper, is to believe in themselves, their abilities, and the work they have done over the course of the season.

So after three months of consistent, and relatively high-volume swimming, lifting, and yoga (given that I have a full time job), it's taper time!  I'm still exercising, but doing less work and lowering the intensity.  In fact today--Wednesday--will be my last swim before Swim Across America Baltimore Open Water Swim.  As an added bonus, I'm getting a massage tonight to work out all the kinks in my shoulders!

Taper, is also a topic with a lot of niche humor in the swim community.  Some samples:

Missy Franklin is featured in her club team's parody video about taper:

So, if you're looking for me, I'm on taper!

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